Monday, January 14, 2008

The 3sp list.

Well, I went and did it finally. I recreated the thirdspacephoto mailing list.

I set up the list in 2005, after a discussion with Erik, and wanting to be in some sort of photo community. My only problem with most photo communities are the people and topics. Well, I guess those are pretty major problems.

Usually, when photographers get together, there's two types of conversations. The gear whore conversations, where the finer points of who has nicer toys are discussed, and the photo conversations. The photo conversations actually talk about composition, thought, art, and what goes into a photo. It's more personal, and philosophical. It's more about connecting with people, rather than blathering on about the latest glass penis that someone purchased.

So I started the list, and set up a few meetups. But interest died, and I let it. But I want this list for me. I like the friends I have in photography, and I like doing odd photo projects. Even if the list is me and one friend, I'll keep it going. It's mentally healthy.

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