Monday, February 4, 2008

It's February

One month through this thing.
I thought I'd lose track, but I'm actually keeping up with it. It is getting easier. Every time I'm wondering what to do, I think to this list, and try to push my life forward, rather than spinning it around. I still waste time, but I feel like I'm actually getting somewhere with it.
Some things are harder to reinstate in my life. Like biking. Those things will happen in time.

My motorcycle is finished, apparently. Now, I just need to take the rider course, get it all insured, and I'm good to go. Only thing left after that is figuring out an appropriate camera rig, so I can shoot while riding. I'd really like some sort of hydraulic articulating arm that's easy to adjust. I'll see what I find.

I successfully turned 30. I still feel good about it. I finished my 20's well. Not as strongly as I'd have liked, but I have no regrets. The next decade shall be taken a day at a time. And each one of those will be pushing more towards what I want to do and who I want to be.