Looking back at the list of things I compiled, the 101 things, I noticed a few fell by the wayside. That's natural. Life changes. Jobs change. Situations change. I went through a huge transition at the end of 2008. New job, new house, new relationship.
I feel like I'm just coming up for air again.
But one thing I also noticed - I've incorporated a few of my 101 things in my habits. Cleaning. Cooking. Better health. The things I wanted to do more of in my life, and I've just done them. No need to check off a list. I like that feeling.
Now is a time for a little reflection. A gauge to see where I am with life. I'm generally liking it, but there are always little things that could be better. More time for photography (I need to make it). Better spent time (again, my fault).
I'm looking forward to another year.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
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